Who We Are

The Ministry of the Believer (The MOB) is for the believer who is interested in advancing their knowledge of the Word of God. It is also for the disciple who is looking to make disciples of Jesus Christ. It is our desire to equip believers for ministry to others in our community and beyond.

The studies are in-depth courses created by Global University under their School of Evangelism and Discipleship program. Our goal for The MOB is to raise reliable, dedicated, and God fearing leaders who will stop at nothing to “Take the City” of Leominster and beyond for the Lord.

What Does It Look Like?

Weekly Bible Studies with small groups within the bigger group to dive deeper into the Word. Groups select different individuals each we to presentations their response to guided questions. All the Core Values of NewLife Church (The Word, Prayer, Holy Spirit, Fellowship, and Evangelism) are present as we learn and grow in the Lord.


At the MOB believers in Jesus Christ are welcome to

Attending for knowledge and growth in the Word of God 

  1. Show up each week and participate in class and group activities 

  2. Grow in their knowledge of the Word and intimacy with God. 

  3. Fellowship with others in class and minister to others outside of the church community.

Attending for Certification not considering Ministry School

  1. Attend at least 80% of the weekly classes

  2. Complete at least 80% of each Course work  

  3. Participation in class and group discussions

  4. Shows adequate growth by leading and/or presenting for small group

  5. Attends or has attended a D1 group 

Attending for Certification and Consideration for the NLC Ministry School

  1. Must be a faithful attendee of NewLife Church.

  2. Attend at least 80% of the weekly classes

  3. Complete at least 80% course work (4 out of 5 or 3 out of 4 courses)

  4. Lead a D1 Group

  5. Active member of a ministry at NLC

  6. Participation in class and group discussions

  7. Shows adequate growth by leading and/or presenting for small group


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